Multi-Camera Live Orchestra and Band Show

Placing multiple cameras around the concert hall for maximum coverage and content for the customer to edit from

On this show we deployed more than the usual 3 cameras as the customer opted to rent additional cameras from us for a 6-camera coverage, all cut live and recorded.

We handed over the live cut show as well as individual camera angles with audio given to us from the orchestra’s sound engineer so that the customer could cut it and use it as they needed from individual tracks to highlights videos to the entire performance available as a product.

  • A message through the website from the customer asking if we were available on a set date started off the booking
  • We phoned back and established that there would be venue audio, a sound engineer and venue lighting, so the Capture package was best to integrate with the setup already in place
  • A quote was sent through including travel, hotels and the package for setup day and 2 travel days
  • We emailed the venue, artist management and the audio system suppliers to get everyone aligned
  • Event Capture UK drove across to the venue in Luxembourg and met with the venue team to setup and test feeds
  • We captured the show along with isolated camera feeds all to a harddrive which was given to the customer
  • We pack down and vacate the venue that evening, travelling back throughout the following day