Video Record & Live Exclusive Zoom Performance

James performed some of his new content along with classics for a recording and to a select few online VIPs

2 Cameras with lighting and live-cut video feed for both recording and live to a zoom call, James performed his latest tracks and had live interaction with fans talking through his inspiration.

We loaded into a location in Central London with lighting, cameras and vision mixing equipment, working with James’ touring sound engineer who provided a stereo mix for us. We provided audio from the zoom call to James’ in-ear monitors so that he could chat with fans watching on zoom, and we provided a hard drive with all the recording straight to the record label.

  • Customer’s management phoned up our main number to confirm the date and that they wanted a lightweight but professional-looking zoom call for some VIPs
  • Then a test call with management to double check the space, the access/parking and a loose schedule
  • Event Capture UK arrives on site at midday, taking around 3 hours to set up and test with artist’s touring sound engineer giving us a mix and we gave him audio from the remote call
  • The exclusive session began in the evening with a number of VIPs watching both new singles and classic songs from James Bay
  • We concluded the zoom call and handed over an SSD with all the content on immediately to the record label for their marketing department to follow up with the guests